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Department of theoretical physics
Friedrich-Hund-Platz 1 • 37077 Göttingen
+49 551 39 7675 • +49 551 39 9631
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I started my bachelor's studies at University Göttingen in winter 2012/13 and received my bachelor's degree in summer 2015. I did my bachelor's thesis in the group of Stefan Kehrein and was supervised by Johannes Oberreuter. My project dealt with the quantisation of entanglement with special interest in mixed quantum states. For this purpose I applied different approaches to the quantum KAC ring. The quantum KAC Ring exhibits a complex dynamic (e.g. it shows boltzmannian behaviour) but is not to complicated in its dynamic to deal with it analytically.




During my first year of master's studies I studied abroad in Sweden at SU Stockholms Universitetet and took advantage of the broad offer of lectures made possible by the collaberation with KTH the Royal Institut of Technology and NORDITA the Nordic Institut for Theoretical Physics. I'm glad to have been able to attend lectures by Egor Babaev, Faward Hassan, David Abergal, Jonas Larson, Vladimir Juricic, Jack Lidmar and Vladimir Krasnov. It was a wonderful time with many new insights in different aspects of physics.


Before coming back to Göttingen I was attending two summer schools at Innsbruck's University and LMU in Munich, to delce into the subjects of Quantum Computation and Information and of Non-Equilibrium Physics of Many-Body Systems, respectively.


Right now, I'm doing my master's thesis with Stefan Kehrein upon a flow equation based method to determine the entanglement of weakly linked condensed matter subsystems. To read more, click and check my Research.